Saturday, December 4, 2010
An Explanation
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today is like this
“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”
--Bill Watterson
(Note: I am not in a bad mood. I’m quite cheerful today. But I like the quote anyhow.)
Today, I am back in England after a whirlwind trip to Paris with some good friends from Elon.
(Hello, beautiful Elon people! That's Jess walking purposefully on the left, Anna looking Parisian and hamming it up for the camera in the middle, and Kate gesturing on the right.)
Today, I feel very cognizant of my calves, because they climbed two thirds of the way up the Eiffel Tower and then up all the stairs of Montmartre to see the Sacré-Cœur Basilica. And then up five trillion sets of Metro stairs and broken escalators. They don’t quite hurt, but they won’t let me forget they’re there, either.
Today, the heat in my building is off. The boiler burst. Why it had to burst on the exact day that Jess and I were returning from Paris, soaked to the skin with no coats in thirty-degree weather, and very much looking forward to hot showers and cuddling with our radiators, I’m not sure. But c’est la vie! The great thing about humans is that we drip-dry remarkably well.
Today, my dorm has no hot water. So today, nobody in my dorm has showered.
Today, I am wearing fuzzy socks, pink sweatpants, a men’s t-shirt, a men’s button-up, my maroon Elon sweatshirt, my glasses, and a pair of those fingerless gloves that you can flip into mittens.
Today I don’t match. At all.
Today, I’m perfectly okay with that.
Today, I was delighted to find out that the bread I bought last week isn’t moldy yet, so I had pb&j for lunch.
Today, I skipped class because it was pouring and cold and I spent all weekend being wet and cold. And because the powerpoint is online anyway.
Today, I have one pair of clean underwear left and desperately need to do laundry. However, today the dryers at the launderette aren’t working, and the washers’ spin cycles aren’t working, so the clothes MUST be dried, because they come out of the wash sopping wet. And of course, there’s no hot water to handwash anything. I am not totally sure how I'm going to handle this, but I'm sure something will come to me.
Today, I realized that there are about fifteen messages/emails/letters I should really answer, because they’re from people I care about staying in contact with. So, Lora, Jane, Vicki, Mama, Mrs. Foreman, Dalton, and Aunt Sherry, I swear I haven’t forgotten about any of you.
But today, just like every day, I’m slow.
Today, I am amazed by the fact that I have been in the UK for sixty-seven days and have thirty-three left. And I am also amazed by the fact that I have survived that entire time without an umbrella, raincoat, or rain boots and have not been sick at all despite the prevalence of wet hair in my everyday life. (I don't like hairdryers. For some reason, this surprises people. But seriously, people, there have been studies done about this—being cold and wet does NOT make you catch a cold. GERMS make you catch cold. Being cold and wet for very long periods of time might weaken your resistance to germs, but I don’t stay cold and wet for very long periods of time. So, to the people in my dorm who keep complaining that the weather is giving them colds, I would like to say: Stop all drinking out of the same bottle every night, and then, and only then, will you stop getting sick. It is not unrelated.)
Today, I remembered how much I like my rain boots. They have flowers on them. Wait, I know I have a picture somewhere.
(Ok, so it’s from like September of freshman year. They look the same. And they’re still waterproof.)
Today, I have not left my bed for more than ten minutes, because under the sheet, duvet, and blanket, it’s quite cozy. Laptop, check. Books, check. Camera to upload pictures to Facebook, check. Food, uncheck. Don’t have any.
Today, I don’t want to walk the fifty feet to the Union Store to get food because it’s cold outside, and that means I have to put on real clothes.
Today, I am a lazy wimp.
Today, I am appalled at my slackness at blogging.
Today, I will try to fix the situation a very little bit. Even though it means I have to get out of bed and cross over to my desk and fetch my journal.
Tomorrow, I will resume life as a real person.
And on that note…see you later!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Photo Files, '07-'10
- ALL of my different usernames for the million different things I'm signed up for online.
- Sewing projects to do sometime, knitting projects to do sometime, random craft projects to do sometime. These are further categorized into things to try sooner, things to try eventually, things to make for me, things to make for other people, things I could try to sell, etc.
- Every single card/letter/piece of mail I've received since getting here, the date I received it, whether or not a response was mandatory or preferable or unnecessary, and whether or not I've sent one yet.
- Every object I brought with me. Every single one. From dental floss to every pair of earrings to the particular edition of every single magazine as well as the bags themselves. Further itemized into what I wore, what I carried on, and what was in my suitcase.
- Every object I've bought here. Even postcards. And where I bought them, how much they cost, and how much that cost is in US dollars. I figure this will be convenient when I have to fill out a declaration form on the plane on the way home.
- Every item that I will be taking home, split into what I can wear, what will go into the first carry on, what will go into the second carry on, and what will go into the suitcase.
- Every item I brought or bought that I will NOT be taking home, divided into what can be recycled, sold, given back to the school, and trashed.
- Everything I will probably be purchasing during the rest of the semester.
- Potential school schedules for next semester. A lot of them.
- Things I do not like about England.
- Things I do like about England.
- Things I want to do/make/eat when I get home.
- Things I want to still do while I'm here.
- A complete budget for the entire semester and a basic financial outline for next semester as well.
- Goals in life. This includes things like "own a home" and "learn to cook healthy food" and "get married" as well as "own a dishwasher" and "visit Harry Potter World in Florida."
- Things I need my life to contain. This includes money, structure, and family members.
- Things that have gone wrong this year.
- Things that have gone right this year. The other list is longer, but some years are just like that.
- Shopping lists. About forty-five of them.
- To-do lists. About a billion of them. Everywhere.
- Presents to buy or make for people, and how I should package each one.
- Different ways to wear my hair that look good and don't require a hairdryer, curling iron, straightener, or any products. Because I don't have any of it here, and don't own half of it at home either.
- Things to have in a kitchen. This includes both supplies (because really, there should be ziplock bags, dishtowels, and measuring spoons in every kitchen) and ingredients (there should always be mustard and butter and rice around, for instance). This list was born out of a desire to one day own a properly-equipped kitchen in a country where the oven is in degrees fahrenheit and the cupboards contain more than pasta and bullion cubes.
- Trip itineraries. Very, very, very detailed trip itineraries. Trip itineraries titled things like "Travelling Guide for December 10-11, 2010: Norwich House to Brighton Bus Station to London Heathrow Central Bus Station to London Heathrow Terminal Three to American Airlines Flight 115 to JFK Terminal Eight to American Eagle Flight 3695 to Norfolk Arrivals to Norfolk Baggage Claim to Greeting Family to Supper Out to Home." That's the title, not the itinerary. Which include things like taxi phone numbers, the names of every stop along the way to Heathrow so I know not to get off at those ones, directions from the Central Bus Station to Terminal Three, what to do while waiting for the flights, what to do while on the planes, what questions I should be asking, what documentation I should have on me, and where I think we should get supper when I get to my family.
- Lists I need to make. Because otherwise I might forget, and then I might run out of lists to write one day, and be forced into doing something that is productive or self-destructive or something.