Friday, March 5, 2010

Why This Week Was Not Good.

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once. ~Jennifer Yane

Reason: I’ve been unreasonably tired all week.

Why it made the week worse: Because I don’t feel as if I can accomplish things so well when I’m tired, and so I nap, and then I feel useless and lazy and as if I’m wasting time.

Reason: Our housing for next year completely fell through.

Why it made the week worse: Because I was really looking forward to having an apartment in the Oaks with Alyssa and Lindsay and Kate, and now everybody has to split up and Kate and I have to apply from abroad in October and just hope it works out okay.

Reason: It snowed all day Tuesday, and all night, and yet we didn’t have a delay or anything Wednesday morning, even though I got up at 6am to check and see if we did.

Why it made the week worse: Cold, wet, nasty, lack of sleep, crushed dreams, getting out of bed at 6 to check, the fact that Alamance county schools were cancelled and yet here at Elon (definitely in Alamance county) we had to walk to class.

Reason: The darker brown bulletin board over my bed fell down, because the adhesive is old and the humidity control in here is not great. Also, it fell down at about 5am Wednesday morning, and woke me up and freaked me out.

Why it made the week worse: Because now there’s a great big square on my wall of blankness in the midst of a whole lot of photos and stuff, and it’s got ugly globs of adhesive on it. And it’s right beside my bed—part of the display I look at daily before I go to bed or when I wake up, to see myself looking happy with family and a few special friends. Plus, it woke me up and alarmed me in the middle of the night, and that is NOT OKAY. And now I have to go buy some adhesive.

Reason: On Wednesday, I came back to my room after Brit Lit and took a nap—good, right? Except that I had a nightmare that I was locked in a room with my ex-boyfriend and he gave me an extensive, overblown, utterly pompous and bombastic (thus totally characteristic) lecture about how his new girlfriend is so wonderful and how inadequate I was/am and how great their sex life is and how fitting it is that I’m still single. Not kidding. (What the heck were you thinking, subconscious me?) It was very disturbing and strangely realistic. Then Carson and Raafe woke me up asking if I wanted to go to lunch—good, great, love those boys, and good timing—but there weren’t any knives left at McEwen and the chicken was too tough to cut with a fork, and also I had to sit beside Natalie at the very edge of the table, so I could hardly hear Carson, Raafe, Anna, and Lizzie and instead had to talk with Nat the whole time.

Why it made the week worse: I don’t think I really have to explain this one. I like neither Connor nor Natalie, and I needed a knife to eat my chicken so I left still hungry, and I don’t enjoy having my precious naptime filled with dreams which breed insecurity and feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness.

Reason: On Thursday at 12:30, I had to go to a Michael Chabon Q&A session in Whitley, meaning I had to skip lunch with Kate and Kristen.

Why it made the week worse: I know, I know, Michael Chabon is amazing—I’ve read him, and I love him, and I know it’s a miracle of epic proportions that he’s here at Elon at all. And I’m glad he did a Q&A. But I went to his (very long) lecture Wednesday night, and not only did I not really have time for the Q&A, but I was not happy to miss lunch with my friends. We only go all three together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and those are usually the highlights of my week. They keep me sane and happy. Eating alone again, not so much.

Reason: My hair is too long, my skin is broken out, my teeth keep hurting, and my cuticles have been ripped bloody.

Why it made the week worse: Well, nothing like feeling like a complete and utter slob to make the day go by better. And the teeth and cuticles hurt.

Reason: People I have hidden or blocked nonetheless keep showing up on my Facebook.

Why it made the week worse: Because I have them hidden/unfriended for a reason, and I don’t want to see Connor commenting on something Katie wrote to Myles, and I don’t want to see Marcy commenting on something Lexi wrote, and I don’t want Carolyn to comment on my status. THEY’RE HIDDEN SO I DON’T HAVE TO SEE THEM. Facebook, get with the program!

Reason: Excessive use of JSTOR.

Why it made the week worse: Because I hate it and because I hate it and because I hate it and because the search function is terrible and because I hate it and because I hate scholarly articles in general.

Reason: All-nighter Thursday night, due to excessive amounts of work, plus things like mandatory speakers and ESA bid night and other functions I’m required to attend.

Why it made the week worse: I’m exhausted. And I don’t have time to be tired.

Reason: I’ve barely talked to my mother all week, and I had to practically cut my little brother off the phone when he called yesterday.

Why it made the week worse: Because it makes me feel like a bad daughter and a worse sister, and because I like talking to my family.

Reason: Expenses keep popping up.

Why it made the week worse: I hate feeling broke.

Reason: My roommate’s engaged, Natalie had her boyfriend over on Tuesday, Kate and Alyssa will both have their boyfriends over this weekend, Kristen and Carson (as mentioned above) are now dating, Kelly and Ross (as not mentioned above, because it’s old news) are dating, Mae will be in Wake Forest with her boyfriend this weekend, Jess will be off with Lizzie somewhere, and my little brother asked a girl to prom this week. And despite being probably the most good-natured, helpful relationship cheerleader/picker-upper of boyfriends from the airport/aider and abetter of weekend relationship plans/friendly ear for both significant-other related gushing and complaining ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET, I am getting kind of tired about hearing about everybody’s great relationships.

Why it made the week worse: Because people won’t shut up about it. Well, I’ll let Kelly Clarkson explain:

"I'm not jealous, but I won't lie

I don't want to hear about your wonderful life!"

("How I Feel")

And also, it’s because when you’ve been single for over eleven months and you ever once let on that you are one iota less than like 110% cheerful, everybody starts acting all pitying and starts trying to set you up with their generally unattractive, unfunny, unintelligent male friends. This is pity at its deepest and most sacrosanct level. And I really, really hate being pitied by anyone but myself.

Reason: It’s Fellows weekend.

Why it made the week worse: Long lines everywhere I try to eat, wide-eyed parents and high school students clogging up all the paths, and a general atmosphere of “Oh, isn’t this school so great? Isn’t it? Isn’t it? Start saying it’s great immediately or we’re pulling your scholarship.” Which would be okay—I enjoyed Fellows weekend last year—but I. Am. Tired. And also not in the mood. And also all the people I would have hung out with tonight (meaning Kate and some of the freshmen down the hall, since a lot of people are gone this weekend/have other plans) are at the Honors Fellows reception, which I am not attending because I attended last year when none of them went. So therefore, I am blaming Fellows weekend for ruining any Friday night plans I could have made.

There. Thank you for letting me vent a bit. And we shall return to happier programming as soon as possible, folks.