Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Here goes something!

A while back, my mother suggested I get a blog, mainly to prevent the daily (and lengthy) spillage of my thought/idea/trivia/news daughter-to-mother babble from ending when I go to college this autumn. I said I'd think about it and procrastinated myself into not thinking about it until this past week. The decision to get a blog proved simple. I did, however, agonize over the title.

And finally, I found it: Quotelation--a blending of "quote" and "elation," and also a freshly-minted word. All of these are important to me, and all are interconnected. Quote refers to those delightful little bits of dialogue snapped from literature, film, famous mouths...and also the mouths of my friends and family members. Elation refers to the feeling a really solidly spectacular quote or idea instills in me. Quotelation refers to both, as well as to the practice, exceedingly common around me and certain friends of mine, of making up words of our own to describe something more precisely than our existing vocabularies can handle. And making up words makes me feel elation more acutely; and I'm more likely to find more spectacular quotes when I'm elated; and making up words can make for spectacular quotes themselves.

See? Interconnected. I'm a big fan of interconnectivity.

So there we are. This is my blog, Quotelation. I intend to display quotes here, to bare a few of my ideas to the internet and its patrons, to keep electronic record of various sundry thoughts and musations. Read if you wish, enjoy if you will. And welcome!

(By the way, I have one guaranteed reader--my mother. Hi, Mama! Possibly a few of her friends, my aunt, maybe one or two friends. I realize that they are probably my only readers. It really doesn't bother me; I write mainly for catharsis, anyway.)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Well done, daughter of mine. I am proud to be the first reader of your blog! I am sure it will be enlightening as well as entertaining. Oh how I will miss the daily daughter to mother 'babble' come this fall. Although babble it is not, but a connection to you. I love you....