Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why Won't They Just Do It My Way?

I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.
-English Professor, Ohio University

Have you ever written a paper and then really, really, really wished you could present it instead of just turn it in, so the teacher could hear it just as you were thinking it? Because obviously they're going to read it wrong, you just know it.

Well, Global midterm? Yeah. Braye is going to read this all not as I say it in my head, and then he is going to think it is ridiculous. And I think they frown upon breaking into a teacher's office while they're grading papers solely to read yours aloud with hand gestures. Hm.

Ok, that's all. Pardon the grumpiness.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pointless, egotistic update :]

Modesty: The art of encouraging people to find out for themselves how wonderful you are. ~Source Unknown

My note: Or you could just help them out. :]

So that religion test? I got a 96. And he did not exactly hand out the A's. Also, we were talking yesterday about rituals surrounding the ceremonies/rites of passage of death, birth, and marriage, and I actually spoke up and argued my point well enough that he looked stumped, pointed at me, and said, "Good. That's a 10."

So far, I haven't gotten anything back that's not a good grade. Crossing my fingers that it goes like that for everything...wish me luck. Ok, done bragging on myself now.