Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pointless, egotistic update :]

Modesty: The art of encouraging people to find out for themselves how wonderful you are. ~Source Unknown

My note: Or you could just help them out. :]

So that religion test? I got a 96. And he did not exactly hand out the A's. Also, we were talking yesterday about rituals surrounding the ceremonies/rites of passage of death, birth, and marriage, and I actually spoke up and argued my point well enough that he looked stumped, pointed at me, and said, "Good. That's a 10."

So far, I haven't gotten anything back that's not a good grade. Crossing my fingers that it goes like that for everything...wish me luck. Ok, done bragging on myself now.

1 comment:

Aunt Tonnye said...

Good for you, Kath -- you can brag on yourself anytime. We love you and love hearing about your successes. . . .of course you can also share the un-successes -- we'll still love you:~)
Aunt Tonnye