Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome to Brighton!

Well, folks, it's been quite the journey to get here, but I'm all settled in here at the University of Sussex, where I'll be spending the first semester of my junior year. It's going to be very, very different than the little homey world I've been enjoying at Elon for the past two years (and worlds away from home), but I'm looking forward to sharing it via this blog. So far, I've been delayed in pretty much every single leg of significant travel I've completed recently, I've seen the English Channel and the "beach" here, I've figured out how to use a duvet and how to sleep without sheets, and I've been to a fancy British McDonald's where the man at the counter thought I was mentally deficient. Ah, the stories I will eventually tell you!

In my beloved North Carolina it's currently about 7:25pm, but here in England, it's 12:25am, and so I'm going to head to bed so I can get up at 8 and get ready for class! However, if you want to check back, I'm going to do my very best to post again tomorrow night with something more interesting than "Hey, got here, settled in, class tomorrow, goodnight." Because that's really kind of dull. And this is NOT a dull place!

But just to keep you interested yourselves, here are a few sneak peek photos!


Rachel said...

Great post! I can't wait to hear the photos! What a differnce with the beach photo and everyone is wearing clothes! said...

Katherine, I know I have checked back here at least a hundred times waiting for updates! Your "armchair traveler" readers are salivating to hear more of your adventures! I hope they're awesome .... Love,Aunt Brett